How are your listening skills? Here are 7 ways to better active listening.

What was voted the most annoying workplace habit? People interrupting you when you are speaking! * We all know who they are. We know how annoying it is when it happens to us so imagine how annoying it is when it happens to your customers and colleagues. Don’t let your co-workers carry on this terrible habit!

*According to the poll taken in our office. 😊

In this article we will exploring the importance of active listening skills. Active listening is a very powerful communication method. It can assist in understanding others and brings people closer to each other. To be an expert listener, it will take time and patience, but its benefits are priceless.

What is active listening and why is it importance to both the workplace and our personal relationships?

Active listening is the ability to focus completely on a speaker, understand their message, comprehend the information, and respond thoughtfully. Many of us hear what we expect, and respond, rather that actively understanding what the speaker is trying to convey.

If you want to improve your communication abilities, then you this is a great place to start. Active Listening is a skill that requires that the listener fully concentrate, understand, respond, and then remember what is being said.

Active listening involves more than just hearing someone speak. Many of us don’t listen to other people. Instead, we just think and wait for our turn to express our own opinion.

Being an effective listener means not judging the other person and involves verbal and nonverbal feedback to show signs of listening.

Things like smiling, nodding your head, making eye contact, leaning in, and mirroring. Active listeners also ask questions, reflecting what is said and as for clarifications to explore the topic and at the end of the conversation they summarize the conversation.

Active listening is a very powerful skill. It brings people closer,

builds trust, and helps people to open up. Fine tuning your listening skill is valuable as it can benefit your personal relationships and professional career as well. Communication is an important component to our everyday lives and ability to listen can help you to understand and influence other people in your life.

You might need to convince your family or partner to change the plans about the upcoming holiday and it will be easier if you are an active listener. At work, active listening skills will help you to be a better team member and you will be able to better help clients, because you understand their needs. If you want to become an active listener then here are some of the things that you can practice to improve your skills.

1. Stay focused, keep eye contact (where culturally appropriate). Don’t judge and be patient.

2.Don’t interrupt. Many people prepare their reply while the other person speaks, but as active listener you must engage in listening

3.Show interest. You can do that by asking questions to clarify what is said. Ask open-ended questions to encourage the speaker

4.Allow for periods of silence. Wait till the other person speaks again.

5.From time to time repeat the other person words or paraphrase it back to them. It will reassure that you really listen and encourage them to open up.

6.Understand the emotions behind the words. When you paraphrase also try express the others feelings back to them.

7.Focus in on those small utterances that show the other person that we’re following them. Like I hear you, yeah, that makes sense.Sometimes it’s not even full words. It might just be, hmm, ah. Those little utterances keep us engaged and show the other person that we’re following.

We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak. ‘ Epictetus

It’s good practice to work towards a balance of talking and actively listening.

Good listening is first and foremost a choice that you make every time somebody speaks. It takes practice. Like any skill, you have to work at it.

The good news is that listening is not mysterious or complicated.

Want to learn more? Checkout  our our Active listening training.

About Facilitated Training.

Winner of HRD magazine Service Provider of the year 2020

Learning and Development should not get in the way of business. It should help business excel. That’s what we believe at Facilitated Training. And if that means doing things differently, then so be it.

Our mission is to help organisations thrive through quality, editable professional development training materials and resources. We are not like other training companies; we won’t charge you for every minute of courseware development. Instead, our fixed-priced product ensures you have unlimited access to customisable training materials and our easy-to-understand facilitator guides.

We keep things simple. It is about making things easier, saving you time, removing barriers, and giving you the freedom to do what you love. We want to build a relationship and create a beneficial partnership that goes beyond the menial day-to-day tasks and helps you identify commercial challenges and opportunities.

Facilitated Training can assist your business with everything from leadership training, customer service and other soft skills training, to short courses, lunch and learn materials, reference guides, templates, and more.

If you are starting to scale, using any old generic training, or death by PowerPoint presentations just won’t cut it anymore. We are ready to work with you, to educate and coach you and your team, so that you don’t need us ever again, all for a fraction of the price consultants and instructional designers.

Leaving the creation of training materials to us, reduces risks and gives you more time to dedicate to what really matters – the people.

If you are in HR or operations and need learning and development assistance, get in touch today and let’s chat.  +61 412299202


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