Say Goodbye to Remote Learning Fatigue: How In-Person Opportunities Can Boost Employee Engagement.

In today’s workplace, the challenges of remote learning and development have left many employees feeling fatigued and disengaged. But it doesn’t have to be this way! By transitioning to face-to-face learning opportunities, companies can create an environment that encourages employee engagement and boosts team building, knowledge sharing, and retention. Say goodbye to remote learning fatigue and hello to a more vibrant and energized workforce with in-person learning and development opportunities. In this blog post, we’ll discuss how leveraging face-to-face interactions can provide a more engaging and effective learning experience for employees.

In a world that has become heavily reliant on remote learning, it’s easy to overlook the benefits that face-to-face learning opportunities can bring to employees. But, with the return to work on the horizon, now is the time to shift our focus back to facilitated learning that is customisable to the needs of employees.

Research from LinkedIn, Bersin and Deloitte shows that communication and professional development are key to employee success and workplace performance. However, with remote learning fatigue taking its toll, employees are in desperate need of in-person opportunities to connect with colleagues, learn new skills and ultimately, thrive in their role.

The benefits of face-to-face learning opportunities are vast. For starters, in-person learning is proven to increase engagement levels and the retention of employees. This is because when employees feel supported by their employers, they are more likely to feel valued and connected to their work.

In-person learning opportunities also foster a sense of community within the workplace, encouraging employees to share knowledge and collaborate with their peers. This not only benefits individual employees, but the company as a whole. A culture of knowledge sharing promotes innovation, growth and ultimately, better results for the business.

Perhaps most importantly, in-person learning opportunities promote team building. When employees are able to work collaboratively on projects, learn from one another and establish meaningful connections, they are more likely to feel invested in their work and loyal to the company. This is particularly important for businesses that are looking to increase employee retention rates and create a strong company culture.


If you’re looking to bring back face-to-face learning opportunities for your employees, there are a few things you can do to make the transition smoother. First and foremost, it’s important to identify what types of learning opportunities will be most effective for your team.

One great option is to host town hall meetings where employees can hear directly from senior leadership and ask questions about the company’s goals and objectives. Another option is to organize lunch and learn sessions where employees can enjoy a meal while also learning about new technologies, professional development opportunities, or company updates.

If you’re looking for more targeted learning opportunities, consider partnering with providers like Facilitated Training, who offer customisable content on a range of topics, from communication and team building to leadership development and return to work strategies.

By offering a mix of these different learning opportunities, you can create a more engaged and informed workforce that’s better equipped to meet the challenges of today’s workplace. So why wait? Start implementing in-person learning opportunities today and see the benefits for yourself!

Let’s face it, we’re all feeling a little burned out by remote learning and meetings. After all, it’s been a long and tiring year, and employees have been working from home for quite some time now. So, as we explore ways to get our teams back into the office, it’s essential to acknowledge employee fatigue.

Studies have shown that many employees prefer to work from home as it offers them greater flexibility. So, to encourage them to come back into the office, we need to give them a compelling reason to do so. And one of the best ways to do this is through facilitated learning and customisable content.

Facilitated learning is a process where a trainer or facilitator guides learners through a particular subject. This type of learning allows for real-time feedback and can be customised to meet the needs of individual learners. By incorporating facilitated learning into your in-person training sessions, you’re providing your employees with a more engaging and interactive learning experience. And this can go a long way in combating employee fatigue.

Customisable content is also key when it comes to combating employee fatigue. Generic training content that’s not tailored to individual learners’ needs can be dull and unengaging. But, by providing customisable content, you’re enabling employees to connect to the targeted development and take ownership of their learning journey.

—————————————————————————————————————-Purchase editable learning materials and templates today!

About Facilitated Training’s founder and Chief Leaning Officer.
Colleen Condon is one of AsiaPac’s most well-rounded Organisational and Learning professionals. With her finger in every piece of the Human Resources pie, Colleen has trained 1000s of people across multiple industries and countries. She has conducted training department reviews in Soul, Facilitated regional planning programs in Mumbai, deployed leadership programs across Australia, Singapore and New Zealand, just to name a few.

She has written books for learning and development professionals, implemented regional online induction programs for 14 countries, and most importantly, wielded Flipchart Markers like no one else on Earth.



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